With the upcoming Lara Croft Film on the horizon it is only a matter of time till we see our first trailer. With the images that we have seen so far from the paparazzi it looks like they are trying to recreate the feel from the newer games. In the following two fan films one created by A Box of Scraps and the other by CanCimea we get a really cool feel to an already amazing character.

In Rise of the Tomb Raider

Lara seems to uncover a mysterious mystery in the mountains. As she plots her course shit goes tits up and she has to find a way to save her self without losing sight of her treasures. Starring The Space Cats Cosplay and directed by Steph Cozza

In the Croft Fan Film:

A woman will risk everything to save a young girl held hostage in the mountains by a group of mercenaries.

Inspired by the Tomb Raider video games among others along with some of the great action movies from the 80’s.

Croft is a Short Film created by a group of friends with a passion for film making. Independently produced we chose to use our strengths as a group to create the best experience for the audience we could. Our goal was to make a short film that would entertain and showcase our talents and have fun doing it.


Lastly we have everyone most wanted to see battle in History. Nathan Drake VS Lara Croft. Two adventures with one goal in mind beating each other.

ABOUT >> Rich Cassidy
  • ACCOUNT NAME >> aggressivecomix
  • BIO >> Rich Cassidy is the CEO and Co-Owner of Aggressive Comix. Aggressive was originally created back in 1997 with his best friend and co-owner Dom Davis (Vice President) between the two of them their levels of geek knowledge is unparalleled. When others were worrying about getting laid Rich was worried about how he would escape the locker he was stuffed into.
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